In my town, we have a thing called a Free Box. Folks around here will often put useful items they no longer want out in front of their house with a sign saying "Free" and there is absolutely no shame or judgement in checking it out and taking anything you want. Usually kitchen items, books, stuff like that. Sometimes there will be something completely amazing that I can't leave behind, and that's why I have this in the guest room:

Yep, that is a lady in a chain mail bikini, standing on the wing of a four-legged dragon that has a chariot butt. She and her orc friends seem to have a real problem with snakes. The dragon's anatomy is a real stumper. Wheels AND four legs? And the wing -- shouldn't there be two? But after looking at it for a while, I think I have figured it out, and the reasoning is actually pretty sweet:
Notice how the front legs are grasping and clawing at the snakes, while the hind legs are just kind of dangling and stiff? It's plain that this poor dragon has suffered an injury and lost the use of his back legs.
Ysandri, scimitar queen and keeper of dragons: Alas! My dragon Edgho has been grievously wounded in battle! Bitten nigh in half by Kssssa the Lich Snake! Behold his useless limbs, his missing tail, his tattered wings! Surely he shall never bravely fight again by my side. Oh Edgho, my valiant beast-friend! (wails)
Orc 1: But wait! Orcs can help. Time can heal. All is not lost.
Orc 2: Yes! Yes! We have a plan.
Ysandri, SQ and KoD: (blinks away tears) What's this? He can be saved? (frowns sadly) But a dragon that cannot fight is only half a dragon!
Orc 2: (mutters) Is only half a dragon now.
Ysandri, SQ and KoD: ...what?
Orc 1: (pushes Orc 2 aside) You wait. We work. Edgho fight again, soon.
Time passes with sounds of sawing and hammering, while Edgho sips weakly at broth and suffers daily bandage changes. Then, one day, the orcs have a surprise...
Orc 1: Prepare the giant spatula!
Orc 2: (heaving and grunting noises)
There is a scraping noise, then a sound like half a dragon being dropped into a chariot.
Orc 1: Behold!
Ysandri, SQ and KoD: But what is this? Edgho? How..?
Orc 1: Is good as new. Maybe not fly, but even more dangerous on ground now.
Orc 2: Wheels crush all in path.
Orc 2 is on crutches, his foot bandaged, and hops around to the back of the dragon to point at the chariot.
Orc 2: Even has new tail, all wood. Very strong.
Ysandri, SQ and KoD: Oh Edgho! My brave boy! Let's go get revenge on Kssssa the Lich Snake by killing every snake we see!
Thrilling music plays as a killer montage starts and we see the scene depicted above.
There. See? This simple fantasy-style tapestry shows a heartwarming scene of a handi-capable dragon enjoying a happy day with his supportive friends. And you thought it was just some heavy metal nonsense.
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