Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Welcome to Walkies!

Welcome the official blog for Walkies! Professional Petsitting! 

This is where you can come to see what sort of nonsense I've been getting up to lately in a life that's clearly gone to the dogs. I'll share pictures of my adventures with doggy friends, things I've learned during fourteen years holding a leash, tips and tricks you can use to make life better with your own critters, safety information to keep everyone happier and healthier, and product reviews -- because I have tons of opinions and want to tell you all about them. 

But to start things out, I'll introduce myself...

Awww, lookit how cute I am! This is me at age four with the dog I grew up with, Duchess. She was a German Shorthaired Pointer, and probably the most tolerant dog on the face of the planet. Ostensibly my dad's hunting dog, in the off season she was an agreeable family pet and we loved her dearly for 13 years. My love of dogs started with her. 

Growing up, my family always had dogs and cats. I learned early animals were members of the family, not just possessions. They had feelings and deserved just as much care and kindness as the humans in my life did -- in fact, more, because they couldn't care for themselves. Duchess couldn't make herself a sandwich or order a pizza if she was hungry, or call the vet if she didn't feel good. She depended on us to be aware of her needs, just like a 50-pound, hair-covered, tail-wagging, dog-breathed baby, and we were responsible for her because we had chosen her to be our dog.  Thanks to my parents, I grew up with not only an appreciation for how cute and fun pets were, but also the empathy to respond to their needs. 

I started Walkies! in 2001 after driving past the capitol building. I was headed to a restaurant job I didn't particularly enjoy, and was thinking how much I'd rather be walking my dog around the lake. Suddenly I thought about all the people working in government offices. If half of those employees owned a dog, and half of those dog owners were wondering if they'd have time at lunch to hurry home and get the dog outside for a potty break, and half of those worried people would pay me to stop by and take their dog outside so they didn't have to rush -- why, I'd have more business than I could handle!  And I wasn't aware of a single person already doing this useful job!  I went home and made some flyers and posted them around town. Six months later I had enough clients to leave that restaurant job and start petsitting full time, and I've been a pet care professional ever since. 

Hang on a second...

...Okay, I'm back. I was trying to get a picture just now of my dog Josie and me in the backyard, but she thinks the only reason in the world to be in the yard is to play ball, and she just could not be coaxed to sit next to me for a selfie. All she wanted to do was frolic and roll in the grass. I finally got her inside for a few pictures, but as you can see, she is a dog of action and resists all attempts at proper photography. And I got to laughing so hard I couldn't take a decent snap.


And if you're thinking, "Hey, Josie looks just like--" Yes, you're right! She is (part) German Shorthaired Pointer, too. She's very photogenic, and I think she's the prettiest dog in the whole world, so I'm sure you'll see many more pictures of her as you read this blog. 

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